My beautiful I take your hand, and we walk through the garden of life, may I be ever open to seeing the world through your eyes...full of innocent wonder, delight and joy. As you take my hand, and we walk through the garden of life, may you be ever open to seeing the world through my eyes...full of gratitude, wisdom and peace. May we be blessed on our 'ramblings' together. Love, Nana

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Well, well...a 'Wee Well'!

My happiest childhood memories are of my summer holidays spent in Ireland with my grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins.  There wasn't a lot of money, but there was always plenty of good food cooking in my granny's kitchen.
There were lots of great meals, some recipes of which I have attempted to duplicate, with mixed success!  One meal was always a treat because it was such fun to eat!

Aidan's first 'Wee Well'
 My granny called it a 'wee well'...mashed potatoes (of course!) shaped into a circle on the plate, then pulled away from the centre to form a 'well' of sorts, into which was poured a knob of Irish butter and warm milk.  The fun part was eating away at the mashed potatoes (first dipped into the buttery milk, of course) without breaking the 'moat' and releasing the milk in the middle.  Great fun, and delicious too!
Can I eat it now, Nana?
 Aidan had his first 'wee well' today.  He loves potatoes served in any way (it's the Irish in him!) and even though he wasn't sure what it was all about, he had a good time loading his fork with potato and dipping it into the 'well'.  To be sure there'll be more 'wee wells' to come!
Thanks to Aidan's great-great granny...great nana, and Nana for passing down a fun tradition!

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