Happy Halloween, everyone! What a busy day it has been! First off to school, dressed in our halloween costume, to partake in a party with classmates. Then a parade around the school to visit all the other classes, and show off our costumes.
Already it is time to say goodbye to our friends, grab our loot bags and head for home, and hopefully an afternoon nap before the evening festivities begin.
Aidan's Scary Pumpkin |
After a quick nap, (Nana had one too!) it was off to Nana's house to carve the pumpkin!
Great Pumpkin, Nana! |
Before heading home to go 'trick or treat' ing, a photo with Nana...
Aidan and his 'Witchy Nana'! |
Then back home, and into this year's costume - dressed as Papa, the construction worker! Nana made the tool belt and suspenders.
'Construction Worker' Aidan |
The weather was perfect. A beautiful crescent moon shone in a clear sky, and the temperature was warm for the time of year. Daddy and Papa stayed home to shell out the treats, while Momma, Nana and Aidan set off to 'trick or treat' not knowing how far we would go, or how many houses we would visit, this being the first real year Aidan has engaged in the Halloween festivities! Well...there was no holding him back! An hour and a half later, we arrived back home, with a tool box full of treats!
Let's go 'Trick or Treat' |
One tired Momma and Nana, and one tired little boy, with a belly full of treats. What a fun time we all had!
Wow! You are BOTH adorable!