My beautiful I take your hand, and we walk through the garden of life, may I be ever open to seeing the world through your eyes...full of innocent wonder, delight and joy. As you take my hand, and we walk through the garden of life, may you be ever open to seeing the world through my eyes...full of gratitude, wisdom and peace. May we be blessed on our 'ramblings' together. Love, Nana

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's a Garbage Truck, Nana!

Phoned my beautiful daughter this morning, (as I do every morning), just to check in.  The little love of my life answers, yelling excitedly into the phone "It's a garbage truck, Nana!"

He is 'garbage truck' mad!  No other way to describe it!  The best day of his week is garbage day, when he can watch all the garbage trucks going past the house.  He waits at the door for them.  All the drivers know him and wave to him.  His favourite video to watch is all about garbage trucks!  I have no idea where this obsession comes from, but at the moment, and for now, life is all about garbage trucks!

My cousins visited from Ireland last summer, and they wanted to get Aidan a wee gift while they were here, rather than carry one over in their luggage.  So, off to Toys R Us we go.  And guess what we found?  Yep!  A garbage truck!  Life just hasn't been the same...he loves it!  We've bought him other trucks... a fire truck, construction trucks.  He thinks they're pretty good too, but his little heart belongs to his garbage truck!  What a funny little boy!

1 comment:

  1. How sweet is he!
    I still get excited every Friday morning when the garbage truck comes to my house.
